Top 5 tips to get people raving about your AIRBNB

#1 LESS IS MORE  Keep it really simple is the best way to get rave reviews on Airbnb. Having a dedicated space is ideal, though if you are renting a room out, try to minimise the personal items in the common spaces. Keep your basic furnishings neutral, and pull in personality with soft furnishings like cushions and throws. I love doing this from season to season. 

Neat and tidy guest room

#2 LIGHT  Personally, I feel like the key to a successful Airbnb and rave reviews on Airbnb is light.  Open the blinds, use jute rugs to break up dark floorboards and dark furniture. Cream or white throws are a great way to lighten up space.  Lanterns, candles.  Lights MUST be warm, not cold LED’s.

Great light for rave reviews on Airbnb 

#3 WARMTH  Whilst talking about light, we need to touch on warmth. I don’t mean temperature warmth, I mean colour temperature warmth.  You will know when you walk into a ‘cold’ room and a ‘warm’ room.  Warm feels nurturing, Cold feels aloof. 

Generally, it is the amount of yellow or blue in your white paint on the walls and the glow of the light bulbs.  You want to keep it warm whilst not going overboard to it looks yellow. 

Clean and stylist

#4 CLEAN & TIDY  An uncluttered clean space feels relaxing, calm and inviting.  

Spaces that ‘flow’ makes for a more relaxed vibe and rave reviews on Airbnb 

Flow is important for rave reviews on airbnb

#5 AWESOME PHOTOS  To start, you need people in the door right!  Your styling, light, warmth, and vibe is there, though your photos are crap.  This will not help when your guests want to refer.  Make your photos count!

Amazing photos for rave reviews on airbnb